Znanstveni radovi doktoranada

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Mijaković, M.; Kežić, B.; Zoranić, L.; Sokolić, F.; Asenbaum, A.; Pruner, C.; Wilhelm, E.; Perera, A., Ethanol-water mixtures: ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2011, 164, (1-2), 66-73. (Number of citations: 33)
  2. Asenbaum, A.; Pruner, C.; Wilhelm, E.; Mijaković, M.; Zoranić, L.; Sokolić, F.; Kežić, B.; Perera, A., Structural changes in ethanol-water mixtures: Ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics studies. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2012, 60, (0), 102-106. (Number of citations: 14)

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Maravić, I. Šamanić, M Šprung, Ž. Fredotović, N. Ilić, J. Dragičević, J. Puizina, Broad-spectrum resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from shellfish: infrequent acquisition of novel resistance mechanisms. Environ Monit Assess. 190(2):81 (2018) doi: 10.1007/s10661-018-6471-3
  2. Smrečki, O. Jović, B.M. Kukovec, E. Šimunić, S. Vuk, A. Skuhala, M. Babić, T. Rončević, N. Ilić, I. Kekez, D. Matković-Čalogović, Z. Popović, Copper (II) complexes with N- alkyliminodiacetamide ligands. Preparation, structural, spectroscopic and DFT studies and biological evaluation. Inorganica Chimica Acta 471 (2018) 521-529.
  3. T. Rončević, G. Gajski, N. Ilić, I. Goić-Barišić, M. Tonkić, L. Zoranić, J. Simunić, M. Benincasa, M. Mijaković, A. Tossi, D. Juretić, PGLa-H tandem-repeat peptides active against multidrug resistant clinical bacterial isolates. BBA Biomembranes 1859(2) (2017) 228-237. (Number of citations: 1)
  4. N. Ilić, M. Novković, F. Guida, D. Xhindoli, M. Benincasa, A. Tossi, D. Juretić, Selective antimicrobial activity and mode of action of adepantins, glycine-rich peptide antibiotics based on anuran antimicrobial peptide sequences. BBA Biomembranes 1828(3) (2013) 1004-1012. (Number of citations: 39)
  5. D. Juretic, D. Vukicevic, D. Petrov, M. Novkovic, V. Bojovic, B. Lucic,N. Ilic, A. Tossi, Knowledge-based computational methods for identifying or designing novel, non-homologous antimicrobial peptides. Eur. Biophys. J. 40 (2011) 371-385. (Number of citations: 34)

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Pučić, M., Pinto, S., Novokmet, M., Knežević, A., Gornik, O., Polašek, O., Vlahoviček, K., Wei, W., Rudd, P. M., Wright, A. F., Campbell, H., Rudan, I., and Lauc, G. Common aberrations from normal human N-glycan plasma profile. Glycobiology 20 (2010), 970-975. (Number of citations: 32)
  2. Pinto, S., Vlahoviček, K. and Buratti, E., PRO-MINE: A Bioinformatics Repository and Analytical Tool for TARDBP Mutations. Human Mutation, 32 (2011): E1948–E1958. (doi: 10.1002/humu.21393) (Number of citations: 7)

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Mijaković, M.; Kežić, B.; Zoranić, L.; Sokolić, F.; Asenbaum, A.; Pruner, C.; Wilhelm, E.; Perera, A., Ethanol-water mixtures: ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2011, 164, (1-2), 66-73. (Number of citations: 33)
  2. Kežić, B.; Perera, A., Towards a more accurate reference interaction site model integral equation theory for molecular liquids. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2011, 135, (23), 234104-11. (Number of citations: 11)
  3. Perera, A.; Mazighi, R.; Kežić, B., Fluctuations and micro-heterogeneity in aqueous mixtures. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2012, 136, (17), 174516-10. (Number of citations: 18)
  4. Kežić, B.; Perera, A., Aqueous tert-butanol mixtures: A model for molecular-emulsions. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2012, 137, (1), 014501-12. (Number of citations: 35)
  5. Perera, A.; Kežić, B.; Sokolić, F.; Zoranić, L., Micro-heterogeneity in complex liquids (Chapter 10) In Molecular dynamics-studies of synthetic and biological molecules Wang, L., InTech, Rijeka, 2012.
  6. Kežić, B.; Perera, A., Revisiting aqueous-acetone mixtures through the concept of molecular emulsions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137, (13), 134502-6. (Number of citations: 15)
  7. Asenbaum, A.; Pruner, C.; Wilhelm, E.; Mijaković, M.; Zoranić, L.; Sokolić, F.; Kežić, B.; Perera, A., Structural changes in ethanol-water mixtures: Ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics studies. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2012, 60, (0), 102-106. (Number of citations: 14)
  8. Kežić, B.; Mazighi, R.; Perera, A., A model for molecular emulsions: Water and „weak water“ mixtures. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2013, 392, (4), 567-582. (Number of citations: 6)
  9. Perera, A.; Kežić, B., Fluctuations and micro-heterogeneity in mixtures of complex liquids. Faraday Discussions 2013, 167, 145-158. (Number of citations: 12)

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. I. Fleischer, D. M. Popolan, M. Krstić, V. Bonačić–Koutecký, T. M. Bernhardt: Composition dependent selectivity in the coadsorption of H2O and CO on pure and binary silver-gold clusters. Chem. Phys. Lett. 565, 74 (2013). (Number of citations: 14)
  2. S. M. Lang, S. U. Fortig, T. M. Bernhardt, M. Krstić, V. Bonačić–Koutecký: Gas-Phase Synthesis and Structure of Wade-Type Ruthenium Carbonyl and Hydrido Carbonyl Clusters. J. Phys. Chem. A 118 (37), 8356-8359 (2014). (Number of citations: 1)
  3. S. M. Lang, T. M. Bernhardt, M. Krstić, V. Bonačić–Koutecký: The Origin of the Selectivity and Activity of Ruthenium-Cluster Catalysts for Fuel-Cell Feed-Gas Purification: A Gas-Phase Approach. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53 5467-5471 (2014). (Number of citations: 10)
  4. S. M. Lang, T. M. Bernhardt, M. Krstić, V. Bonačić–Koutecky: Water activation by small free ruthenium oxide clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (48), 26578-26583 (2014). (Number of citations: 2)
  5. M. Girod, M. Krstić, R. Antoine, L. MacAleese, J. Lemoine, A. Zavras, G. N. Khairallah, V. Bonačić–Koutecký, Ph. Dugourd, and R. A. J. O’Hair: Formation and characterisation of the silver hydride nanocluster cation [Ag3H2((Ph2P)2CH2)]+ and its release of hydrogen. Chemistry-A European Journal 20 (50), 16626-16633 (2014). (Number of citations: 8)
  6. S. Daly, M. Krstić, A. Giuliani, R. Antoine, L. Nahon, A. Zavras, G. N Khairallah, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, Ph. Dugourd, R. A. J. O’Hair: Gas-phase VUV photoionisation and photofragmentation of the silver deuteride nanocluster [Ag10D8L6]2+ (L= bis(diphenylphosphino) methane). A joint experimental and theoretical study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (39), 25772-25777 (2015) (Number of citations: 8)
  7. Ž. Sanader, M. Krstić, I. Russier-Antoine, F. Bertorelle, Ph. Dugourd, P.F. Brevet, R., Antoine, V. Bonačić-Koutecký; Two-photon absorption of ligand-protected Ag15 nanoclusters. Towards a new class of nonlinear optics nanomaterials. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 12404-12408, (2016) (Number of citations: 11)
  8. A. Zavras, G. N. Khairallah, M. Krstić, M. Girod, S. Daly, R. Antoine, Ph. Maitre, R. J. Mulder, S.A. Alexander, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, Ph. Dugourd and R. A. J. O’Hair: Ligand-induced Substrate Steering and Reshaping of [Ag2(H)]+ Scaffold for Selective CO2 Extrusion from Formic Acid. Nature Communication, 7:11746 (2016) (Number of citations: 11)
  9. M. Krstić, A. Zavras, G. N. Khairallah, Ph. Dugourd, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, R. A. J. O’Hair: ESI/MS Investigation of Routes to the Formation of Silver Hydride Nanocluster Dications [AgnHn-2Lm]2+ and Gas-phase Unimolecular Chemistry of [Ag10H8L6]2+. Int. J. of M. Spec. 413, 97–105, (2017) (Number of citations: 2)
  10. I. Russier-Antoine, F. Bertorelle, Ž. Sanader, M. Krstić, C. Comby-Zerbino, Ph. Dugourd, P.-F. Brevet, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, and R. Antoine: Ligand-Core NLO-phores: a combined experimental and theoretical approach of the two-photon absorption and two-photon excited emission properties of small ligated silver nanoclusters. Nanoscale, 9, 1221-1228, (2017) (Number of citations: 3)
  11. A. Zavras, M. Krstić, Ph. Dugourd, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, R. A. J. O’Hair: Selectivity Effects in Bimetallic Catalysis: Role of the Metal Sites in the Decomposition of Formic Acid into H2 and CO2 by the Coinage Metal Binuclear Complexes [dppmMM'(H)]+. ChemCatChem, 9, 1298 – 1302, (2017)
  12. F. Bertorelle, I. Russier-Antoine, N. Calin, C. Comby-Zerbino, A. Bensalah, S. Guy, Ph. Dugourd, P.-F. Brevet, Ž. Sanader, M. Krstić, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, R. Antoine, : Au10(SG)10: A Chiral Gold Catenane Nanocluster with Zero Confined Electrons – Optical Properties and First-Principles Theoretical Analysis. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 1979−1985, (2017) (Number of citations: 5)
  13. S. Daly, C. M. Choi, A. Zavras, M. Krstić, F. Chirot, T. Connell, S. Williams, P. Donnelly, R. Antoine, A. Giuliani, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, Ph. Dugourd, R. A. J. O’Hair: Gas-Phase Structural and Optical Properties of Homo and Heterobimetallic Rhombic Dodecahedral Nanoclusters [Ag14-nCun(C≡CtBu)12X]+ Clusters (X = Cl and Br): Ion Mobility, VUV and UV Spectroscopy, and DFT Calculations. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (20), 10719–10727, (2017) (Number of citations: 1)
  14. M. Krstić, Q. Jin, G. N. Khairallah, R. A. J. O’Hair, V. Bonačić-Koutecký: How to Translate the [LCu2(H)]+ – Catalysed Selective Decomposition of Formic Acid into H2 and CO2 from the Gas Phase into a Zeolite. ChemCatChem, 10 (2018), 5; 1173 – 1177

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Bertorelle, Franck; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Calin, Nathalie; Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Bensalah-Ledoux, Amina; Guy, Stephan; Dugourd, Philippe; Brevet, Pierre-François; Sanader, Željka; Krstić, Marjan et al. Au10(SG)10: A chiral gold catenane nanocluster with zero confined electrons. Optical properties and first-principles theoretical analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8 (2017), 9; 1979-1985
  2. Russier-Antoine I, Bertorelle F, Sanader Ž, Krstić M, Comby-Zerbino C, Dugourd Ph, Brevet P F, Bonačić-Koutecký V, Antoine R; Ligand-Core NLO-phores: a combined experimental and theoretical approach of the two-photon absorption and two-photon excited emission properties of small ligated silver nanoclusters. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 1221-1228 (Number of citations: 9)
  3. Sanader Ž, Krstić M, Russier-Antoine I, Bertorelle F, Dugourd Ph, Brevet PF, Antoine R, Bonačić-Koutecký V; Two-photon absorption of ligand-protected Ag15 nanoclusters. Towards a new class of nonlinear optics nanomaterials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 12404-12408 (Number of citations: 14)
  4. Russier-Antoine I, Bertorelle F, Hamouda R, Rayane D, Dugourd Ph, Sanader Ž, Bonačić-Koutecký V, Brevet PF, Antoine R; Tuning Ag29 nanocluster light emission from red to blue with one and two-photon excitation. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 28922898 DOWNLOAD (Number of citations: 22)
  5. Girod M, Sanader Ž, Vojković M, Antoine R, MacAleese L, Lemoine J, Bonačić-Koutecký V, Dugourd Ph; UV Photo-dissociation of proline-containing peptide ions : Insights from molecular dynamics. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2015; 26(3): 432-443 DOWNLOAD (Number of citations: 16)
  6. Sanader Ž, Mitrić R, Bonačić-Koutecký V, Bellina B, Antoine R, Dugourd Ph; The nature of electronic excitations at the metal–bioorganic interface illustrated on histidine–silver hybrids. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014; 16(3): 1257-1261 (Number of citations: 9)
  7. Sanader Ž, Brunet C, Broyer M, Antoine R, Dugourd P, Mitrić R, Bonačić-Koutecký V; Cation induced electrochromism in 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH): Tuning optical properties of aromatic rings. Chemical Physics Letters, 2013, 570, 22-25 (Number of citations: 2)
  8. Bellina B, Antoine R, Broyer M, Gell L, Sanader Ž, Mitrić R, Bonačić-Koutecký V, Dugourd Ph; Formation and characterization of thioglycolic acid–silver cluster complexes. Dalton Trans., 2013; 42(23): 8328-33 (Number of citations: 9)

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Batista, J.; Vikić-Topić, D.; Lučić B.; The Difference Between the Accuracy of Real and the Corresponding Random Model is a Useful Parameter for Validation of Two-State Classification Model Quality. Croatica Chemica Acta, 2016; 89(4): 527-534
  2. Lučić, Bono, Jadranko Batista, Viktor Bojović, Mario Lovrić, Ana Sović Kržić, Drago Bešlo, Damir Nadramija, and Dražen Vikić-Topić. Estimation of random accuracy and its use in validation of predictive quality of classification models within predictive challenges.. Croatica Chemica Acta 92 (2019), 3; 379-391

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Požar, M.; Seguier, J.-B.; Guerche, J.; Mazighi, R.; Zoranić, L.; Mijaković, M.; Kežić-Lovrinčević, B.; Sokolić, F. & Perera, A. Simple and complex disorder in binary mixtures with benzene as a common solvent. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2015) 17(15), 9885-9898. (Number of citations: 17)
  2. Požar, M.; Lovrinčević, B.; Zoranić, L.; Mijaković, M.; Sokolić, F. & Perera, A. A re-appraisal of the concept of ideal mixtures through a computer simulation study of the methanol-ethanol mixtures. J. Chem. Phys. (2016) 145(6), 064509
  3. Požar, M.; Lovrinčević, B.; Zoranić, L.; Primorac, T.; Sokolić, F. & Perera, A. Microheterogeneity versus clustering in binary mixtures of ethanol with water or alkanes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2016) 18, 23971-23979. (Number of citations: 6)
  4. Požar, M.; Kerasidou, A.; Lovrinčević, B.; Zoranić, L.; Mijaković, M.; Primorac, T.; Sokolić, F.; Teboul, V. & Perera, A. The microscopic structure of cold aqueous methanol mixtures. J. Chem. Phys. (2016) 145(14), 144502. (Number of citations: 5)
  5. Požar, M. & Perera, A. On the micro-heterogeneous structure of neat and aqueous propylamine mixtures: A computer simulation study. J. Mol. Liq. (2017) 227, 210-217. (Number of citations: 2)
  6. Požar, M. & Perera, A. On the existence of a scattering pre-peak in the mono-ols and diols. Chem. Phys. Lett. (2017) 671, 37-43. (Number of citations: 2)
  7. Požar, M. & Perera, A. Lifshitz phase: the microscopic structure of aqueous and ethanol mixtures of 1,n-diols. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2017) 19, 14992-15004.
  8. Požar, M. & Perera, A. Evolution of the micro-structure of aqueous alcohol mixtures with cooling: a computer simulation study. J. Mol. Liq. (2017) 248, 602-609.
  9. Primorac, Tomislav; Požar, Martina; Sokolić, Franjo; Zoranić, Larisa; Urbič, Tomaž A simple two dimensional model of methanol. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 262 (2018), 46-57

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. T. Rončević, V. Čikeš-Čulić, A. Maravić, F. Capanni, M. Gerdol, S. Pacor, A. Tossi, P.G. Giulianini, A. Pallavicini, C. Manfrin, Identification and functional characterization of the astacidin family of proline-rich host defence peptides (PcAst) from the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Girard 1852). Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 105 (2020) 103574. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2019.103574.
  2. T. Rončević, J. Puizina, A. Tossi, Antimicrobial Peptides as Anti-Infective Agents in Pre-Post-Antibiotic Era?. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20 (2019) 5713. doi:10.3390/ijms20225713.
  3. T. Rončević, D. Vukičević, L. Krce, M. Benincasa, I. Aviani, A. Maravić, A. Tossi, Selection and redesign for high selectivity of membrane-active antimicrobial peptides from a dedicated sequence/function database. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes. 1861 (2019) 827–834. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2019.01.017.
  4. T. Rončević, L. Krce, M. Gerdol, S. Pacor, M. Benincasa, F. Guida, I. Aviani, V. Čikeš-Čulić, A. Pallavicini, A. Maravić, A. Tossi, Membrane-active antimicrobial peptide identified in Rana arvalis by targeted DNA sequencing. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes. 1861 (2019) 651–659. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2018.12.014.
  5. T. Rončević, M. Gerdol, F. Spazzali, F. Florian, S. Mekinić, A. Tossi, A. Pallavicini, Parallel identification of novel antimicrobial peptide sequences from multiple anuran species by targeted DNA sequencing. BMC Genomics. 19 (2018), 1; 827, 10. doi:10.1186/s12864-018-5225-5.
  6. T. Rončević, D. Vukičević, N. Ilić, L. Krce, G. Gajski, M. Tonkić, I. Goić-Barišić, L. Zoranić, Y. Sonavane, M. Benincasa, D. Juretić, A. Maravić, A. Tossi, Antibacterial Activity Affected by the Conformational Flexibility in Glycine–Lysine Based α-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 61 (2018) 2924–2936. doi:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01831.
  7. T. Rončević, G. Gajski, N. Ilić, I. Goić-Barišić, M. Tonkić, L. Zoranić, J. Simunić, M. Benincasa, M. Mijaković, A. Tossi, D. Juretić, PGLa-H tandem-repeat peptides active against multidrug resistant clinical bacterial isolates. Biochim. Biophys. Acta BBA – Biomembr. 1859 (2017) 228–237. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.11.011.
  8. M. Kozić, D. Vukičević, J. Simunić, T. Rončević, N. Antcheva, A. Tossi, D. Juretić, Predicting the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration for Antimicrobial Peptides with Rana-Box Domain. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 55 (2015) 2275–2287. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.5b00161.

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Mačak Šafranko, Ž., Balog, T., Musa, M., Tartaro Buljak, I., Sobočanec, S.; The effect of 17β-estradiol on sex-dimorphic cytochrome P450 expression patterns induced by hyperoxia in the liver of male CBA/H mice. Mol Cell Biochem (2016); 421(1-2):183-191. (Number of citations: 1)
  2. Perić, M., Bou Dib, P., Dennerlein, S., Musa, M., Rudan, M., Lovrić, A., Nikolić, A., Sobočanec, S., Mačak, Ž., Raimundo, N., Kriško, A.; Crosstalk between cellular compartments protects against proteotoxicity and extends lifespan. Sci Rep (2016); 6: 28751. (Number of citations: 6)
  3. Musa, M., Radman, M., Kriško A.; Decreasing translation error rate in Escherichia coli increases protein function. BMC Biotechnol (2016); 16 (1): 28.
  4. Perić, M., Lovrić,A., Lovrić, Musa, M., Bou Dib, P., Rudan, M., Nikolić, A., Sobočanec, S., Mikecin, A., Dennerlein, S., Milošević, I., Vlahoviček, K., Raimundo, N., Kriško, A.; TORC1-mediated sensing of chaperone activity alters glucose metabolism and extends lifespan. Aging Cell (2017); 16: 994-1005.
  5. Musa, Marina, Perić, Matea; Bou Dib, Peter; Sobočanec, Sandra; Šarić, Ana; Lovrić, A., Rudan, Marina; Nikolić, Andrea; Milošević, Ira; Vlahoviček, Kristian; Raimundo, Nuno; Kriško, A. Heat-induced longevity in budding yeast requires the crosstalk between respiratory metabolism and glutathione recycling. Aging 10 (2018); 9; 2407-2427
  6. Rudan, Marina; Bou Dib, Peter; Musa, Marina; Kanunnikau, Matea; Sobočanec, Sandra; Rueda, David; Warnecke, Tobias; Kriško, Anita Normal mitochondrial function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has become dependent on inefficient splicing. eLife, 7 (2018), e35330, 17

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Perić, M., Bou Dib, P., Dennerlein, S., Musa, M., Rudan, M., Lovrić, A., Nikolić, A., c Sobočanec, S., Mačak, Ž., Raimundo, N., Kriško, A.; Crosstalk between cellular compartments protects against proteotoxicity and extends lifespan. Sci Rep (2016); 6: 28751-1. (Number of citations: 6)
  2. Perić, M., Lovrić, A., Lovrić, Šarić, A., Musa, M., Bou Dib, P., Rudan, M., Nikolić, A., Sobočanec, S., Mikecin, A., Dennerlein, S., Milošević, I., Vlahoviček, K., Raimundo, N., Kriško, A.; TORC1-mediated sensing of chaperone activity alters glucose metabolism and extends lifespan. Aging Cell (2017); 16: 994-1005.
  3. Nikolić, A.; Perić, M.; Ladouce, R.; Mikecin, A.; Martin, F.A.; Kralj, M.; Kriško, A.; Radman, M.; Death by UVC Light Correlates with Protein Damage in Isogenic Human Tumor Cells: Primary Tumor SW480 versus its Metastasis SW620. Journal of Proteomics & Computational Biology (2572-8679) 2 (2016), 1; 1-12

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Krce, Lucija; Šprung, Matilda; Rončević, Tomislav; Maravić, Ana; Čikeš Čulić, Vedrana; Blažeka, Damjan; Krstulović, Nikša; Aviani, Ivica Probing the mode of antibacterial action of silver nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in water: What fluorescence and AFM data tell ss. Nanomaterials, 10 (2020), 6; 1040, 20
  2. Krce, Lucija; Šprung, Matilda; Maravić, Ana; Umek, Polona; Salamon, Krešimir; Krstulović, Nikša; Aviani, Ivica Bacteria exposed to silver nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in water: Modelling E. coli growth and inactivation. Materials, 13 (2020), 3; 653, 21
  3. Krce, Lucija; Šprung, Matilda; Maravić, Ana; Aviani, Ivica A simple interaction-based E. coli growth model. Physical Biology, 16 (2019), 6; 066005, 14
  4. Rončević, Tomislav; Vukičević, Damir; Krce, Lucija; Benincasa, Monica; Aviani, Ivica; Maravić, Ana; Tossi, Alessandro Selection and redesign for high selectivity of membrane-active antimicrobial peptides from a dedicated sequence/function database. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1861 (2019), 4; 827-834
  5. Rončević, Tomislav; Krce, Lucija; Gerdol, Marco; Pacor, Sabrina; Benincasa, Monica; Guida, Filomena; Aviani, Ivica; Čikeš-Čulić, Vedrana; Pallavicini, Alberto; Maravić, Ana; Tossi, Alessandro Membrane-active antimicrobial peptide identified in Rana arvalis by targeted DNA sequencing. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, 1861 (2019), 3; 651-659
  6. Bazina, Linda; Maravić, Ana; Krce, Lucija; Soldo, Barbara; Odžak, Renata; Bučević Popović, Viljemka; Aviani, Ivica; Primožič, Ines; Šprung, Matilda Discovery of novel quaternary ammonium compounds based on quinuclidine-3-ol as new potential antimicrobial candidates. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 163 (2019), 626-635
  7. Maravić, Ana; Rončević, Tomislav; Krce, Lucija; Ilić, Nada; Galić, Borivoj; Čikeš Čulić, Vedrana; Carev, Ivana Halogenated boroxine dipotassium trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate K2[B3O3F4OH] inhibits emerging multidrug-resistant and β-lactamase-producing opportunistic pathogens. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 1 (2019), 1; 1-17
  8. Rončević, Tomislav; Vukičević, Damir; Ilić, Nada; Krce, Lucija; Gajski, Goran; Tonkić, Marija; Goić-Barišić, Ivana; Zoranić, Larisa; Sonavane, Yogesh; Benincasa, Monica et al. Antibacterial activity affected by the conformational flexibility in glycine–lysine based α-helical antimicrobial peptides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 61 (2018), 7; 2924-2936

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Zemunik, Tatijana; Gunjača, Ivana; Torlak, Vesela; Škrabić, Roko; Vujičević, Marina; Barić, Ana; Vuletić, Marko; Škrabić, Veselin; Punda, Ante; Matana, Antonela Determinants of thyroid volume in healthy young adults of Dalmatia. Periodicum Biologorum. 2020; 121–122(1–2), 65–69
  2. Punda, Ante; Škrabić, Veselin; Torlak, Vesela; Gunjača, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Kolčić, Ivana; Polašek, Ozren; Hayward, Caroline; Zemunik, Tatijana; Matana, Antonela Thyroid hormone levels are associated with metabolic components: a cross-sectional study. Croatian Medical Journal, 61 (2020), 3; 230-238
  3. Matana, Antonela; Boutin, Thibaud; Torlak, Vesela; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Kolčić, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren; Barbalić, Maja et al. Genome-wide analysis identifies two susceptibility loci for positive thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105 (2020), 3; 944-951
  4. Matana, Antonela; Popović, Marijana; Boutin, Thibaud; Torlak, Vesela; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Kolčić, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Punda, Ante; Rudan, Igor et al. Genetic variants in the ST6GAL1 gene are associated with thyroglobulin plasma level in healthy individuals.. Thyroid, 29 (2019), 6; 886-893
  5. Popović, Marijana; Matana, Antonela; Torlak, Vesela; Boutin, Thibaud; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Vidan, Nikolina; Kaličanin, Dean; Kolčić, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with free triiodothyronine and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 42 (2019), 10; 1171-1180
  6. Gunjača, Ivana; Matana, Antonela; Boutin, Thibaud; Torlak, Vesela; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Hayward, Caroline; Zemunik, Tatijana; Barbalić, Maja Genome-wide association meta-analysis for total thyroid hormone levels in Croatian population. Journal of Human Genetics, 64 (2019), 473-480
  7. Popović, Marijana; Matana, Antonela; Torlak Lovrić, Vesela; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Barbalić, Maja; Kolčić, Ivana; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren et al. The effect of multiple nutrients on plasma parathyroid hormone level in healthy individuals. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 70 (2019), 5; 638-644
  8. Matana, Antonela; Popović, Marijana; Boutin, Thibaud; Torlak, Vesela; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Kolčić, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel gender specific loci associated with thyroid antibodies level in Croatians. Genomics, 111 (2019), 4; 737-743
  9. Brčić, Luka; Barić, Ana; Gračan, Sanda; Brekalo, Marko; Kaličanin, Dean; Gunjača, Ivana; Torlak Lovrić, Vesela; Tokić, Stana; Radman, Maja; Škrabić, Veselin. et al. Genome-wide association analysis suggests novel loci for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 42 (2019), 5; 567-576
  10. Matana, Antonela; Brdar, Dubravka; Torlak, Vesela; Boutin, Thibaud; Popović, Marijana; Gunjača, Ivana; Kolčić, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with parathyroid hormone level. Molecular Medicine, 24 (2018), 1; 15, 9
  11. Brčić, Luka; Gračan, Sanda; Barić, Ana; Gunjača, Ivana; Torlak Lovrić, Vesela; Kolčić, Ivana; Zemunik, Tatijana; Polašek, Ozren; Barbalić, Maja; Punda, Ante; Boraska Perica, Vesna Association of established thyroid-stimulating hormone and free thyroxine genetic variants with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Immunological Investigations, 46 (2017), 6; 625-638
  12. Barić, Ana; Brčić, Luka; Gračan, Sanda; Torlak Lovrić, Vesela; Gunjača, Ivana; Šimunac, Marta; Brekalo, Marko; Boban, Mladen; Polašek, Ozren; Barbalić, Maja et al. Association of established hypothyroidism- associated genetic variants with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 40 (2017), 10; 1061-1067

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Radotić, Viktorija; Bedalov, Ana; Drviš, Petar; Braeken, Dries; Kovačić, Damir Guided growth with aligned neurites in adult spiral ganglion neurons cultured in-vitro on silicon micro-pillar substrates. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16 (2019), 6; 066037, 13
  2. Bedalov, Ana; Bašić, Željana; Marelja, Ivan; Dolić, Krešimir; Bukarica, Krešimir; Missoni, Saša; Šlaus, Mario; Primorac, Dragan; Andjelinović, Šimun; Kružić, Ivana Sex estimation of the sternum by automatic image processing of multi-slice computed tomography images in a Croatian population sample: a retrospective study. Croatian Medical Journal, 60 (2019), 3; 237-245

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Bertorelle, Franck; Basu, Srestha; Fakhouri, Hussein; Perić Bakulić, Martina; Mignon, Pierre; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Brevet, Pierre- François; Thomas, Sabu; Kalarikkal, Nandakumar; Antoine, Rodolphe Covalent anchoring of atomically precise glutathione-protected gold nanoclusters on graphene oxide nanosheets. Nano Express, 1 (2020), 3; 030005, 8
  2. Basu, Srestha; Perić Bakulić, Martina; Fakhouri, Hussein; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Moulin, Christophe; Brevet, Pierre-François; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe Rationale Strategy to Tune the Optical Properties of Gold Catenane Nanoclusters by Doping with Silver Atoms. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, 124 (2020), 35; 19368-19374
  3. Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Perić, Martina; Bertorelle, Frank; Chirot, Fabien; Dugourd, Philippe; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodoplhe Catenane Structures of homoleptic thioglycolic acid-protected gold nanoclusters evidenced by ion mobility-mass spectrometry and DFT calculations. Nanomaterials, 9 (2019), 3; 457, 7
  4. Perić, Martina; Sanader Maršić, Željka; Russier- Antoine, Isabelle; Fakhouri, Hussein; Bertorelle, Franck; Brevet, Pierre-François; le Guével, Xavier; Antoine, Rodolphe; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta Ligand shell size effects on one- and two- photon excitation fluorescence of zwitterion functionalized gold nanoclusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019), 43; 23916-23921
  5. Fakhouri, Hussein; Perić, Martina; Bertorelle, Franck; Dugourd, Philippe; Dagany, Xavier; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Brevet, Pierre-François; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe Sub-100 nanometer silver doped gold–cysteine supramolecular assemblies with enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019), 23; 12091-12099
  6. Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Perić, Martina; Sanader, Željka Why do silver trimers intercalated in DNA exhibit unique nonlinear properties that are promising for applications?. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9 (2018), 10; 2584-2589

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Primorac, Tomislav; Požar, Martina; Sokolić, Franjo; Zoranić, Larisa The influence of binary mixtures’ structuring on the calculation of Kirkwood-Buff integrals: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 324 (2021), 114773, 12
  2. Primorac, Tomislav; Požar, Martina; Sokolić, Franjo; Zoranić, Larisa; Urbič, Tomaž A simple two dimensional model of methanol. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 262 (2018), 46-57
  3. Požar, Martina; Kerasidou, Ariadni; Lovrinčević, Bernarda; Zoranić, Larisa; Mijaković, Marijana; Primorac, Tomislav; Sokolić, Franjo; Teboul, Victor; Perera, Aurélien The microscopic structure of cold aqueous methanol mixtures. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (2016), 144502, 10
  4. Požar, Martina; Lovrinčević, Bernarda; Zoranić, Larisa; Primorac, Tomislav; Sokolić, Franjo; Perera, Aurélien Micro-heterogeneity versus clustering in binary mixtures of ethanol with water or alkanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2016), 34; 23971-23979

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Radman, Sanja; Raić, Sanda; Bućan, Ivona; Pribisalić, Ajka; Dunatov, Josipa; Mudnić, Ivana; Boban, Mladen; Pellay, Francois Xavier; Kolčić, Ivana; Polašek, Ozren Searching for carbonylome biomarkers of aging – development and validation of the proteomic method for quantification of carbonylated protein in human plasma. Croatian Medical Journal, 61 (2020), 2; 119-125

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Boban, Zvonimir; Puljas, Ana; Kovač, Dubravka; Subczynski, Witold Karol; Raguz, Marija Effect of electrical parameters and cholesterol concentration on giant unilamellar vesicles electroformation. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 78 (2020), 2; 157-164

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Humeniuk, Alexander; Bužančić, Margarita; Hoche, Joscha; Cerezo, Javier; Mitrić, Roland; Santoro, Fabrizio; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta Predicting fluorescence quantum yields for molecules in solution: A critical assessment of the harmonic approximation and the choice of the lineshape function. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (2020), 5; 054107, 11
  2. Zavras, Athanasios; Mravak, Antonija; Bužančić, Margarita; White, Jonathan M.; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; O’Hair, Richard A. J., Structure of the ligated Ag 60 nanoparticle [{Cl@Ag 12 }@Ag 48 (dppm) 12 ] (where ppm=bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) . Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 32 (2019), 2; 182-186

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Hofmann, Tobias; Helbig, Tobias; Schindler, Frank; Salgo, Nora; Brzezińska, Marta; Greiter, Martin; Kiessling, Tobias; Wolf, David; Vollhardt, Achim; Kabaši, Anton et al. Reciprocal skin effect and its realization in a topolectrical circuit. Physical Review Research, 2 (2020), 2; 023265, 11
  2. Bunčić, Nikola; Kabaši, Anton; Čakarić, Tonći; Bilušić, Ante Prototyping of a high frequency phased array ultrasound transducer on a piezoelectric thick film. Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 49 (2019), 1; 3-9

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Mravak, Antonija; Krstić, Marjan; Lang, Sandra M.; Bernhardt, Thorsten M.; Bonačić‐Koutecký, Vlasta Intrazeolite CO methanation by small ruthenium carbonyl complexes: Translation from free clusters into the cage. ChemCatChem, 12 (2020), 15; 3857-3862
  2. Ma, Howard Z.; McKay, Alasdair I.; Mravak, Antonija; Scholz, Michael S.; White, Jonathan M.; Mulder, Roger J.; Bieske, Evan J.; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; O’Hair, Richard A. J. Structural characterization and gas-phase studies of the [Ag10H8(L)6]2+ nanocluster dication. Nanoscale, 11 (2019), 47; 22880-22889
  3. Zavras, Athanasios; Mravak, Antonija; Bužančić, Margarita; White, Jonathan M.; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; O’Hair, Richard A. J. Structure of the ligated Ag60 nanoparticle [{;Cl@Ag12};@Ag48(dppm)12] (where dppm=bis(diphenylphosphino)methane). Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 32 (2019), 2; 182-186
  4. O’Hair, Richard A. J.; Mravak, Antonija; Krstić, Marjan; Bonačić‐Koutecký, Vlasta Models Facilitating the Design of a new metal‐organic framework catalyst for the selective decomposition of formic acid into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. ChemCatChem, 11 (2019), 10; 2443-2448
  5. Zavras, Athanasios; Mravak, Antonija; Bužančić, Margarita; White, Jonathan M.; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; O’Hair, Richard A. J., Structure of the ligated Ag 60 nanoparticle [{Cl@Ag 12 }@Ag 48 (dppm) 12 ] (where ppm=bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) . Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 32 (2019), 2; 182-186

Znanstveni radovi proizašli iz doktorskih istraživanja:

  1. Basu, Srestha; Perić Bakulić, Martina; Fakhouri, Hussein; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Moulin, Christophe; Brevet, Pierre-François; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe Rationale strategy to tune the optical properties of gold catenane nanoclusters by doping with silver atoms. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, 124 (2020), 35; 19368-19374
  2. Gran, Evan Rizzel; Bertorelle, Franck; Fakhouri, Hussein; Antoine, Rodolphe; Perić Bakulić, Martina; Sanader Maršić, Željka; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Blain, Manon; Antel, Jack; Maysinger, Dušica Size and ligand effects of gold nanoclusters in alteration of organellar state and translocation of transcription factors in human primary astrocytes. Nanoscale, 13 (2021), 5; 3173-3183
  3. Pansieri, Jonathan; Iashchishyn, Igor A.; Fakhouri, Hussein; et al. Templating S100A9 amyloids on A beta fibrillar surfaces revealed by charge detection mass spectrometry, microscopy, kinetic and microfluidic analyses. Chemical Science 11 (2020), 27; 7031-7039
  4. Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Fakhouri, Hussein; Basu, Srestha; et al. Second harmonic scattering from mass characterized 2D graphene oxide sheets. Chemical Communications 56 (2020), 27; 3859-3862
  5. Maysinger, Dusica; Gran, Evan R.; Bertorelle, Franck; Fakhouri, Hussein et al. Gold nanoclusters elicit homeostatic perturbations in glioblastoma cells and adaptive changes of lysosomes. Theranostics 10 (2020) 4; ‏ 1633-1648
  6. Perić, Martina; Sanader Maršić, Željka; Russier- Antoine, Isabelle; Fakhouri, Hussein; Bertorelle, Franck; Brevet, Pierre-François; le Guével, Xavier; Antoine, Rodolphe; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta Ligand shell size effects on one- and two- photon excitation fluorescence of zwitterion functionalized gold nanoclusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019), 43; 23916-23921
  7. Fakhouri, Hussein; Perić, Martina; Bertorelle, Franck; Dugourd, Philippe; Dagany, Xavier; Russier-Antoine, Isabelle; Brevet, Pierre-François; Bonačić-Koutecký, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe Sub-100 nanometer silver doped gold–cysteine supramolecular assemblies with enhanced nonlinear optical properties. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019), 23; 12091-12099

Scientific papers derived from doctoral research:

  1. Jukić, Ivo; Požar, Martina; Lovrinčević, Bernarda Comparative analysis of ethanol dynamics in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (2020), 41; 23856-23868
  2. Požar, Martina; Jukić, Ivo; Lovrinčević, Bernarda Thermodynamic, structural and dynamic properties of selected non-associative neat liquids. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32 (2020), 40; 405101, 12

Scientific papers derived from doctoral research:

  1. Maleš, M.; Zoranić, L. Simulation Study of the Effect of Antimicrobial Peptide Associations on the Mechanism of Action with Bacterial and Eukaryotic Membranes. Membranes 2022, 12(9), 891.
  2. Rončević, T., Gerdol, M., Mardirossian, M., Maleš, M., Cvjetan, S., Benincasa, M., Maravić, A., Gajski, G., Krce, L., Aviani, I., Hrabar, J., Trumbić, Ž., Derks, M., Pallavicini, A., Weingarth, M., Zoranić, L., Tossi, A., & Mladineo, I. Anisaxins, helical antimicrobial peptides from marine parasites, kill resistant bacteria by lipid extraction and membrane disruption. Acta Biomaterialia 2022, 146, 131–144.
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