Javna obrana teme doktorskog rada Tomislava Rončevića

2. November 2018.


Javna obrana teme doktorskog rada studenta poslijediplomskog sveučilišnog studija BIOFIZIKA


održat će se u ponedjeljak, 12. 11. 2018. u 14:00 sati na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Splitu (dvorana B3-47), pred članovima Stručnog povjerenstva:

  1. doc. dr. sc. Larisa Zoranić, (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Split), predsjednica
  2. doc. dr. sc. Ana Maravić, (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Split), član
  3. izv. prof. dr. sc. Vedrana Čikeš Čulić, (Medicinski fakultet, Split), član


Ciljano sekvenciranje DNK i QSAR za identifikaciju antimikrobnih peptida iz žaba (Anura) i re/dizajn s ciljem poboljšanja aktivnosti

Targeted DNA sequencing and QSAR for identification of anuran antimicrobial peptides and re/design to improve activities

Abstract: Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are structurally diverse molecules naturally produced by all organisms, with direct antimicrobial activity against pathogens and often showing other immune-related properties. Anurans are a particularly rich source of these peptides, with 1923 different sequences reported in Database of Anuran Defense Peptides (DADP). We propose a novel approach for peptide identification by exploiting the highly conserved signal peptide region, RNAseq data available in Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database and selectively amplifying AMP-coding transcripts from small amounts of frog skin tissue. Additionally, novel peptides will be re/designed with the help of molecular descriptors using software developed at Split University (e.g. Mutator) that links the biophysical properties of the peptides with their biological activity. This software has been trained on helical AMPs of anuran origin and may provide best results if natural peptides of anuran origin are used as input.

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